progeCAD Commands
Click a letter to go to that section.
Creates multiple copies of entities in three dimensions. |
Converts three-dimensional solids to polyface meshes. |
Draws a planar surface defined by three or four points. |
Allows you to view the model as though you are flying through or around it. |
Draws three-dimensional surface primitives: box, cone, cylinder, dish, dome, mesh, sphere, pyramid, torus, and wedge. |
Reflects entities through a plane. |
Draws a three-dimensional polyline with straight segments. |
Displays a visual aid, or gizmo, used to move and rotate entities in three-dimensional space. |
Rotates existing entities around a three-dimensional axis. |
Allows you to view the model as though you are walking through it. |
Displays the About progeCAD dialog box, which contains version and registration information. |
Allows you to import ACIS files, which progeCAD can use to create body objects, solids, or regions. |
Allows you to export ACIS entities such as surfaces, regions, and solids to an ACIS file in ASCII (SAT) format. |
Assigns annotation scales to one or more entities. |
Assigns the current annotation scale to one or more entities. |
Adds a digital signature to a drawing. |
Adds one or more leader lines to existing multileader entities. |
Adds an entity from the drawing to the block that is being edited in-place. |
Distributes equal space between linear or angular dimensions. |
Sets the drawing units to use for inserting and scaling AEC entities. |
Opens the AEC Styles Manager dialog box where you can view, create, copy, or edit AEC styles, load them from and to other drawing files. |
Allows you to align selected entities with other entities in three-dimensional space. |
Aligns multileaders. |
Changes the pan and zoom magnification of model space entities in a layout viewport so they align with entities in paper space or in other layout viewports. |
Sets the selection area for snapping to entities. |
Toggles the Apparent Intersection snap on or off. |
Draws an arc of any size. |
Creates text that aligns with an arc. |
Calculates the area of entities or calculates defined areas. |
Creates multiple copies of entities in either a rectangular (rows and columns) pattern or a polar (circular) pattern. |
Arranges minimized drawing windows in a line at the bottom of the drawing area. |
Starts Artisan Renderer to create a photorealistic image of your model. |
Displays the Artisan for progeCAD dialog box so you can specify options for rendering using the Artisan command. |
Sends the latest version of your model to Artisan Renderer and updates the content in Artisan Renderer. |
Attaches a file to the current drawing. |
Connects any leader to an annotation in the drawing and moves the endpoint of the leader line to the annotation. |
Attaches images to a drawing. |
Shows all attributes, none, or those normally visible. |
Creates, plays, and deletes sound clips. |
Checks the current drawing for errors. |
Adds numbering to text, multiline text, multileaders, or block attributes. |
Automatically creates electronic files (.dwf/.pdf) from the current drawing and saves them to a specified location. |
Specifies settings for the background of the current view. |
Sets the base point for inserting this drawing into another drawing. |
Draws a beam, which is an architectural element placed between columns, walls and other beams. |
Opens the progeCAD Graphics Benchmark dialog box and runs graphics benchmarking tests automatically. |
Opens the dialog box that allows you to run tests to benchmark graphics and send the results to progeCAD servers for further analysis. |
Breaks apart an attached BIM underlay into polyface meshes and polylines that can be edited. |
Opens the BIM Properties pane which is used to browse information about and control content visibility of .rvt, .rfa, and .ifc files. |
Closes the BIM Properties pane that is used to browse information about and control content visibility of .rvt, .rfa, and .ifc files. |
Attaches a Building Information Modeling (BIM) file as an underlay to the current drawing. You can attach .rvt, .rfa, and .ifc files. |
Adds an action to a block definition. Available only in the Block Editor. |
Counts the number of blocks in a selection set. |
Allows you to select a block to edit or enter a name for a new one to create in the Block Editor. |
Adds a parameter to a block definition. Available only in the Block Editor. |
Changes the scale of a block reference relative to its insertion point. |
Displays the Save Bitmap dialog box so you can export the active viewport to a bitmap file (.bmp). |
Creates a boundary polyline from a closed loop. |
Draws a three-dimensional box as a mesh. |
Draws a three-dimensional box as an ACIS solid. |
Erases part of an entity, or splits an entity into two entities. |
Splits two-dimensional entities into two entities at a single break point. |
Draws a polyline that has a breakline symbol. |
Starts your Web browser at a location that you specify. |
Displays the standard Windows Calculator. |
Creates an image entity by selecting a window on the on-line map background. |
Cascade | WCASCADE | Cascades the open drawing windows. |
Creates an associative linear entity, called a center line, between two lines or two linear segments of polylines. |
Draws an associative marker, called a center mark, at the center of a circle or arc. |
Center | CENTER | Toggles the Center snap on or off. |
Creates a chamfer, or beveled edges, at the intersection of two lines. |
Creates a chamfer, or a beveled edge, at the intersection of 3D solid faces. |
Changes the location, size, color, elevation, layer, linetype, linetype scale, and thickness of selected entities. |
Change Block | CHANGEBLOCK | Changes the name of a single block instance and then opens the Block Editor where you can modify it. |
Changes the properties of selected entities using the command prompt instead of the Properties palette. |
Copies or moves selected entities from paper space to model space or from model space to paper space. |
Changes the case of multiline text and single-line text. |
Checks the spelling of single-line text, multiline text, paragraph text, attributes, attribute definitions, and dimension text. |
Draws a circle of any size. |
Reverses the CLEANSCREENON command so that all the user interface items that were hidden are displayed. |
Hides the user interface items that are selected in the Clean Screen Options dialog box. |
Determines which user interface items are hidden by the CLEANSCREENON command. |
Clear Entity Snaps | NONE | Turns all entity snaps off. |
Clips images so that only a portion of the image is visible in a drawing. |
Clips layout viewports so that only a portion of the viewport is visible on a Layout tab. |
Clip Xref | Defines a clipping boundary after you attach a drawing as an external reference. |
Draws a new entity of the same type and properties as a selected entity. |
Closes the active drawing window without exiting the program. |
Close All | Closes all drawing windows. |
Close All Others | Closes all drawing windows except the current one. |
Close Block Editor | Closes the Block Editor. Available only in the Block Editor. |
Closes the block or external reference that is being edited in-place and returns to the drawing. |
Displays the Code Page Manager dialog box so you can specify character sets. |
Collects multileaders that include blocks into a row or column. |
Establishes the color for all entities that you draw after you select the command. |
Turns the command bar on and off; when on, this command positions the command bar. |
Displays a list of commands. |
Draws a three-dimensional cone as a mesh. |
Draws a three-dimensional cone as an ACIS solid. |
Allows you to orbit the drawing, or rotate the view, in real time while forcing the camera x-axis to be parallel to the world view XY plane. |
Allows you to rotate the view of entities in real time while maintaining the x-axis. |
Allows you to rotate the view of entities in real time while maintaining the y-axis. |
Allows you to rotate the view of entities in real time while maintaining the z-axis. |
Draws a construction line. |
Allows you to rotate the view of entities using continuous motion. |
Converts a block to an external reference. |
Converts a color-dependent print style table to a named print style table. |
Changes the type of print style table used by the current drawing. |
Updates lights in the drawing that were created in older formats to the current light format. |
Updates materials in the drawing that were created in older formats to the current materials format. |
Converts different types of entities to mesh entities. |
Converts surfaces and 3D solids to NURBS surfaces. |
Converts different types of entities to 3D surfaces. |
Converts different types of three-dimensional entities to 3D solids. |
Draws a three-dimensional polygon mesh with vertices averaged between four edges. |
Changes the coordinate display on the status line: on, off, and relative coordinates. |
Copies the selection to the Windows Clipboard. |
Draws a duplicate of the selected entities. |
Copies the entity data of the selected entities. |
Copies the properties from one entity to another. |
Copies the text of the Prompt History window to the Windows Clipboard. |
Copy Link | COPYLINK | Copies the contents of the current view to the Windows Clipboard. |
Copy Multiple | COPYM | Copies entities using multiple options. |
Copies the contents of the current view to the Windows Clipboard. |
Copies selected entities to the Windows clipboard along with a base point. |
Forms a single compound entity from a group of entities. |
Creates a 3D view of the drawing according to a location and target. |
Creates or edits the extended entity data of an entity. |
Determines whether the cursor displays as a gun sight crosshairs. |
CSV Out | TABLEEXPORT | Exports data from a table to a text file in the Comma-Separated Values format. |
Opens the Transfer tab of the Customize User Interface dialog box so you can easily transfer customized settings between the main and partial .cui files. |
Opens the Transfer tab of the Customize User Interface dialog box so you can easily transfer customized settings between the main and partial .cui files. |
Determines whether the pointer displays as the default Microsoft Windows small box (Off) or the crosshairs (On). |
Draws an architectural curtain wall. |
Opens the Customize dialog box where you can create and modify aliases. |
Allows you to create groups of palettes, set the current tool palette group, and import and export tool palette files. |
Displays the Customize User Interface dialog box so you can change settings and commands for workspaces and customization files. |
Cuts (removes) the selection from your drawing and places it on the Windows Clipboard. |
Draws a cylinder as a 3D mesh. |
Draws a three-dimensional cylinder as an ACIS solid. |
Displays the Data Link Manager dialog box where you can create and view links to data located in a Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx) file. |
Applies changes to or from a linked .xls or .xlsx file. |
Lists the database information for every entity in the current drawing. |
Creates an attribute definition, which is an entity consisting of a name, prompt for information, display characteristics, and default text. |
Dynamically defines parallel or visual perspective views. |
Delays carrying out the next command for a specified time. |
Deletes selected entities from your drawing. |
Deletes the current annotation scale from one or more entities. |
Deletes program-specific entity data that is attached to an entity. |
Displays online help for application developers. |
Displays the Import DGN Drawing dialog box so you can import a MicroStation Design (.dgn) file. |
Exports the current drawing to a DGN version 8 file. |
Attaches a .dgn file as an underlay. |
Places progeCAD in the dimension mode. |
Adds dimensions that are aligned to entities. |
Annotates the angle between two selected entities. |
Adds dimensions that measure arcs or arc segments. |
Continues a linear, angular, or ordinate dimension from a previous dimension. |
Adds a break to dimensions or multileaders at a point where they intersect with other entities, or removes a break. |
Places a non-associative marker at the center of a circle or an arc. |
Continues a dimension. |
Measures the diameter of a circle or an arc. |
Edits dimension lines and text. |
Places a jog line on a linear or aligned dimension, or deletes it. |
Adds a jogged dimension that measures the radius of a circle, arc, or polyline arc. |
Edits dimension lines and text. |
Draws a line, or sequence of lines, for controlled placement of dimension text. |
Adds horizontal or vertical dimensions to entities. |
Adds coordinate point dimensions. |
Overrides the style settings for a given set of dimensions. |
Measures the radius of a circle or an arc. |
Defines the position and angle of dimension text. |
Adds horizontal and vertical dimensions to entities. |
Displays the Dimension Styles Manager dialog box so you can create, modify, and manage dimension styles. |
Changes associative dimensions to non-associative. |
Draws the lower half of a sphere as a 3D mesh. |
Draws the lower half of a three-dimensional sphere as an ACIS solid. |
Controls whether image frames are visible and printed. |
Measures the distance and angle between two points. |
Adds a distant light to your drawing for rendering. |
Places markers along a selected entity. |
Draws the upper half of a three-dimensional sphere as a 3D mesh. |
Draws the upper half of a three-dimensional sphere as an ACIS solid. |
Draws a filled circle or flat ring created as a polyline. |
Draws an architectural door. |
Switches the dragged-entity display between on, off, and auto. |
Changes the order in which entities are drawn and printed. |
Constrains the drawing so that you can enter only lines aligned with the grid. |
Changes the drawing boundaries and controls checking of those boundaries for the current space. |
Displays properties for the drawing, some of which you can define such as keywords and comments. |
Displays the Drawing Settings dialog box so you can define various drawing settings. |
Displays all dimensioning variables and their current values in the Prompt History window. |
Exports the current drawing to a Design Web Format (DWF) version 6.0 file in ASCII format. |
Attaches a .dwf file as an underlay. |
Displays the Load DXB File dialog box so you can import a Drawing Exchange Binary file. |
Displays the Load DXF File dialog box so you can import a Drawing Interchange File. |
Displays the Select DXF File dialog box so you can export a Drawing Interchange File. |
Displays the Dynamic View Control dialog box so you can dynamically control the viewports. |
Changes visibility of edges of three-dimensional face entities that were created using the 3D Face command. |
Edits associative arrays. |
Edits the attribute text associated with blocks. |
Displays the Attribute Editor dialog box so you can edit the value, text style and properties of each attribute in the selected block reference. |
Modifies existing hatches or gradients. |
Edits the contents of a block or external reference after it has been inserted in the drawing. |
Changes the length of an open-ended entity or the included angle of an arc. |
Adds or removes leader lines to or from existing multileaders. |
Edits multiline text entities. |
Edits polyline entities. |
Edits spline entities. |
Modifies text in a selected table cell. |
Modifies selected text entities. |
Changes the elevation and thickness of future entities that you draw. |
Creates an elevation line which determines a two-dimensional projection view of the drawing. |
Adds a new two-dimensional projection from an existing elevation line. |
Reverses the direction of an existing elevation line. |
Draws ellipses. |
Draws elliptical arcs. |
Draws a frame around each selected single-line text, multiline text or attribute definition. |
Endpoint | ENDPOINT | Toggles the Endpoint snap on or off. |
Displays the Drawing Settings dialog box so you can change the Entity Snaps. |
Turns entity snap tracking on and off. |
Locates points precisely on reference points of entities. |
Collects related files and packages them together for transfer to another computer. |
Exits progeCAD. |
Ungroups a block, polyline, or hatch, creating separate entities for each element. |
Ungroups blocks, creating separate entities for each element and converting attributes to text. |
Breaks multiline text and single-line text into polylines. |
Displays the Explorer so you can view, create, copy, or edit blocks. |
Displays the Explorer so you can view, create, copy, or edit user coordinate systems definitions. |
Displays the Explorer with the Dimension Styles element selected. You can cut, copy, and paste dimension styles from one drawing to another. |
Displays the Explorer with the External References element selected. You can cut, copy, and paste external references from one drawing to another. |
Displays the Explorer with the Groups element selected. |
Displays the Explorer so you can view, create, copy, or edit layers. |
Displays the Explorer so you can view, create, copy, or edit layouts. |
Displays the Explorer so you can view, create, copy, or edit layer states. |
Displays the progeCAD Eplorer with the Linetype Name list displayed. |
Displays the Explorer with the Materials element selected, so you can view materials and assign them to entities. |
Displays the Explorer with the list of multileader styles. |
Displays the Explorer with the list of multiline styles. |
Displays the Explorer with the list of table styles. |
Displays the Explorer so you can view, create, copy, or edit fonts. |
Displays the Explorer with the View Name list displayed. |
Explore Visual Styles | EXPVSTYLES | Displays the Explorer with the list of visual styles. |
Displays the Explorer so you can view, create, copy, or edit different elements of your drawing. |
Displays the Export Drawing File As dialog box so you can export the drawing to a selected file type. |
Exports the current layout to model space in a new drawing. |
Saves all system variables with their current settings to an .svf file. |
Lengthens a line, arc, or polyline to meet another entity. |
Toggles the Extension snap on or off. |
Extracts attribute data (informational text) from a drawing to a DXF or TXT file. |
Extracts data from entities in one or more drawings and exports it to a table or external file. |
Extracts isolines and creates curves from contours of three-dimensional solids and surfaces. |
Creates a three-dimensional solid by lengthening closed entities along a path or to a specified height. |
Creates a polygon mesh approximating a general tabulated surface defined by a path and a direction vector. |
Inserts a field as multiline text. |
Converts one or more drawings to a new file version and format. |
Turns the display of file tabs at the top of the drawing area on. |
Turns the display of file tabs at the top of the drawing area off. |
Controls whether solids and wide polylines are automatically filled when displayed and output. |
Creates a fillet, or rounded corner, at the intersection of 3D solids, two lines, rays, or infinite lines. |
Creates a fillet, or rounded corner, at the intersection of 3D solid faces. |
Allows you to specify and filter entities to include in the selection set. |
Allows you to delete layer filters. |
Searches for text and optionally replaces it. |
Flattens three-dimensional entities to two dimensions. |
Toggles the display of image and wipeout frames. |
Allows you to rotate the view of entities in real time. |
Draws a line entity using segments of a predetermined length. |
Sets a temporary base point from which to offset point selection (available while using a command that requests a point). |
Creates a photorealistic image of your model, complete with light sources, shadows, surface material properties, and reflections. |
Displays an on-line map provided by a mapping service in the current viewport. |
Geometric Center | GCENTER | Toggles the Geometric Center snap on or off. |
Selects all entities in a drawing that match both the layer of an entity you select and the type of an entity you select. |
Connects all leaders in a selection set to their respective annotations. |
Detaches all leaders in a selection set from their respective annotations. |
Global Edit Attributes | GATTE | Globally edits the attribute text associated with blocks. |
Allows you to add or edit gradients, which apply color patterns to closed entities within specified boundaries. |
Switches between the Prompt History window and the drawing window. |
Adds or removes entities from a group. |
Creates and modifies groups of entities in your drawing. |
Determines whether a group is selected when a sub-entity within the group is selected. |
Allows you to add and edit hatches to closed entities within specified boundaries. |
Generates a boundary around a hatch. |
Determines whether an associative hatch is selected when its boundary entities are selected. |
Draws a spiral. |
Displays context-sensitive online Help for the current command. |
Regenerates a three-dimensional visualization with hidden lines removed. |
Turns off the display of control vertices of NURBS surfaces and curves. |
Hides the edges of a 3D face, mesh or polyface mesh. |
Turns off the display of selected entities. |
Hides all visible palettes, the ribbon, the quick access toolbar, and drawing tabs. |
Allows you to attach hyperlinks to drawing entities. |
Determines whether to display the hyperlink cursor, shortcut menu and tooltip when you hover over entities with attached hyperlinks. |
Displays the user coordinate system coordinates of a specified point. |
Imports a Building Information Modeling (BIM) file in the .ifc file format. |
Exports your drawing to a Building Information Modeling (BIM) file in the .ifc file format. |
Displays the Import IGES File dialog box so you can import an IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) model data file. |
Allows you to export ACIS entities such as surfaces, regions, and solids to an IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) format file with .iges or .igs extension. |
Displays the version number for the image features. |
Allows you to attach, unload, reload, detach, and change the path of images. |
Changes the display quality of all images in a drawing to high quality or draft quality. |
Displays the Import Drawing dialog box so you can import another drawing file into the current drawing. |
Imports custom system variable settings from an .svf file to the drawing. |
Draws an infinite line in both directions from a specified starting point. |
Determines how command names are suggested when typing in the command bar. |
Inserts a block or another drawing into the current drawing. |
Insertion Point | INSERTION | Toggles the Insertion Point snap on or off. |
Inspection Dimension | DIMINSPECT or -DIMINSPECT | Creates or removes inspection labels for dimensions. |
Creates a composite three-dimensional solid from the interference, or common volume, of two or more solids. |
Creates a composite solid or region from the intersection of two or more solids or regions. Areas outside of the intersection are removed. |
Intersection | INTERSECTION | Toggles the Intersection snap on or off. |
Turns off the display of all entities except those you select. |
When the isometric grid is turned on, toggles the isometric plane between left, right, and top. |
Joins two entities (two or more lines, or two or more arcs) into one entity. |
Changes the insertion point of selected text entities without changing their locations. |
Creates named drawing layers and assigns color and linetype properties to those layers. |
Allows you to select an entity to control the current layer, freeze/thaw, on/off, lock/unlock, or viewport layer settings. |
Allows you to select one or more entities and assign the selection the current layer. |
Deletes all entities on a layer and the layer itself. |
Freezes the layer of a selected entity. |
Isolates all layers except those assigned to the one or more entities you select. |
Isolates the layer of a selected entity in the current viewport. |
Locks the layer assigned to a selected entity. |
Changes the layer of selected entities to match the layer of another selected entity. |
Turns off the layer assigned to a selected entity. |
Turns on all layers in the current drawing. |
Reverses the last change made to layer settings. |
Displays the Layer States Manager dialog box so you can view, restore, create, edit, import, and export layer states. |
Thaws all layers in the current drawing. |
Unlocks the layer assigned to a selected entity. |
Reverses the changes made when isolating layers. |
Allows you to create, delete, and rename layouts, set a layout as the current layout, and list layouts. |
Creates and controls viewpoints. |
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. |
Defines light sources and effects that will illuminate your model when you render it using the Full Render command. |
Draws straight lines of any length. |
Defines linetypes (sequences of alternating line segments, dots, and spaces), loads them from libraries, and sets the current linetype. |
Sets the scale factor you want applied to all linetypes within the drawing. |
Lists, updates, and modifies linked objects within a drawing file. |
Lists the database information for selected entities. |
Reports the scale of a selected viewport. |
Lists property information for a selected external reference or and block. |
Turns live sectioning on or off for a selected section entity. |
Loads a compiled shape file (.SHX) that defines shapes. |
Displays the Load Application Files dialog box so you can load LISP, SDS, TX, and IRX programs that do not automatically load. |
Displays the Open an Assembly dialog box so you can load a .NET .DLL application. |
Creates a three-dimensional solid or surface between two or more cross sections. |
Names the file you want created when you use LOGFILEON to save information in the Prompt History window. |
Closes the text file created with LOGFILEON. |
Writes all commands and prompts in the Prompt History window to a text file. |
Changes the appearance of existing map images to aerial, road or hybrid. |
Makes dimension lines slanted. |
Displays the Snapshot to Create dialog box so you can create a slide file from the current display. |
Sets the resolution of existing map images to very fine, fine, optimal or coarse. |
Changes the appearance of existing map images to aerial, road or hybrid. |
Imports data from .shp, .sdf and .sqlite shapefiles and also from PostgreSQL, MySQL, and WFS servers. |
Turns map services on and off for geographic locations. |
Places a position marker at a specified point in the map image. |
Places a position marker by specifying its latitude and longitude. |
Places a position marker using your current coordinates. |
Places a position marker at a specified point in the map image. |
Turns marker specification points on and off. |
Calculates the mass properties of regions or solids. |
Copies the properties of a source table cell and applies them to selected cells. |
Assigns material properties to entities, enhancing the visual appearance of the model when you render it with the Full Render command. |
Enlarges a viewport so that it fills the drawing window. |
Places markers at specified intervals along a selected entity. |
Replaces the current menu, toolbar, alias, keyboard, and ribbon settings with the settings of the file you load. |
Joins two beams into a mitered joint. |
Loads (imports) a menu file and adds its settings to the current settings. |
Exports menu files. |
Sets a temporary midpoint snap between two points (available while using a command that requests a point). |
Toggles the Midpoint snap on or off. |
Migrates customizations from a previous installation to the current one. |
Reduces a maximized viewport and returns to the standard arrangement of viewports. |
Reflects entities through a line. |
Turns the display of the Model and Layout tabs at the bottom of the drawing window on or off. |
Switches to model space. |
Moves, copies, rotates, and scales selected entities within a single command. |
Moves, copies, rotates, and scales selected entities within a single command. |
Moves entity data. |
Draws a line, or sequence of lines, for controlled placement of multiline text or a block. |
Displays the Multileader Styles Manager dialog box so you can create and modify multileader styles. |
Draws multilines of any length. |
Displays the Multiline Style dialog box so you can create and modify multiline styles. |
Creates paragraph text. |
Repeats the next command until you cancel it. |
Inserts multiple copies of a block in a rectangular pattern. |
Nearest | NEAREST | Toggles the Nearest snap on or off. |
Creates a new drawing. |
Clears the previous selection before grouping entities into a new selection set for use in subsequent commands. |
Opens an additional window containing the current drawing. |
Opens the standard Windows Notepad. |
Node | NODE | Toggles the Node Snap (or Point Snap) on or off. |
OBJ In | Displays the Import OBJ File dialog box so you can import an OBJ (Wavefront Technologies) file. |
OBJ Out | Exports three-dimensional models to an OBJ (Wavefront Technologies) file. |
Object | Displays the Insert Object dialog box so you can insert an ActiveX object into the drawing. |
Creates offset curves and parallel lines. |
Allows you to access a company Web site. |
Displays the Open Drawing dialog box so you can open an existing drawing. |
Loads a .dwg file into memory without opening it in progeCAD. |
Displays the Options dialog box so you can specify the default settings (such as Axis Color, and Search Paths). |
Deletes or combines duplicate or overlapping entities in the drawing. |
Displays the Page Setup Manager dialog box so you can set and save options for printing drawings. |
Moves the display window. |
Switches to paper space. |
Parallel | PARALLEL | Toggles the Parallel snap on or off. |
Pastes the contents of the Windows Clipboard into the current drawing. |
Pastes the contents of the Windows Clipboard into the current drawing as a block. |
Inserts data from the Windows Clipboard into the current drawing. |
Places the contents of the Clipboard into the active drawing using the same coordinates as in the original drawing. |
Creates multiple copies of a selected entity and distributes them evenly along a path. |
Imports data from a .pdf file or underlay into the drawing. |
Exports the current drawing to a two-dimensional or three-dimensional PDF (Portable Document Format) file. |
Attaches a .pdf file as an underlay. |
Perpendicular | PERPENDICULAR | Toggles the Perpendicular snap on or off. |
Places the display in plan view (V point 0,0,1) relative to either the current user coordinate system (UCS), a specified UCS, or the World Coordinate System. |
Creates a planar surface. |
Draws a solid, two-dimensional surface. |
Creates roof or ceiling planes using plane symbols. |
Attaches roof or ceiling plane symbols to walls. |
Draws single point entities. |
Attaches a point cloud file as an underlay to the current drawing. |
Adds a point light to your drawing for rendering. |
Creates multiple copies of entities in a polar (circular) pattern. |
Turns polar tracking on and off. |
Creates a three-dimensional mesh of arbitrary complexity and surface characteristics. |
Draws polygons with a specified number of sides. |
Defines a three-dimensional polygon mesh by specifying its size (in terms of M and N) and the location of each vertex in the mesh. |
Draws two-dimensional polylines (connected line and arc segments) with optional width and taper. |
Creates a three-dimensional solid with a rectangular profile from a line, arc, polyline, or circle. |
Displays the Preset Viewpoints dialog box so you can change the direction in which three-dimensional entities are viewed. |
Displays the Print dialog box so you can print the current drawing. |
Displays the Print dialog box so you can preview the current drawing before you print it. |
Sets the current print style for new entities or changes the print style for selected entities. |
Displays the default folder that stores print style tables. |
Printer Options | PRINTOPTIONS | Displays the Options - Printing tab so you can manage several printer settings. |
Displays the Prompt History window. |
Project Geometry | PROJECTGEOMETRY | Creates a projection of lines, curves, or points on a three-dimensional solid, surface, or region using a direction you specify. |
Displays the current settings for selected entities and allows you to modify them. |
Toggles the display of the Properties pane. |
Displays the Publish dialog box so you can print one or more drawings and sheets. |
Clears the drawing file of unused drawing elements. |
Draws a pyramid as a 3D mesh. |
Draws a three-dimensional pyramid as an ACIS solid. |
Quadrant | QUADRANT | Toggles the Quadrant snap on or off. |
Saves entities as a block to a separate drawing file. |
Displays a small version of the Customize User Interface dialog box so you can quickly add commands to the Tool Palettes pane. |
Creates a series of dimensions for selected entities. |
Creates groups of entities. |
Prints the contents of the active viewport. |
Creates a new drawing without prompting for a template. |
Prints the contents of the active viewport. |
Quick Properties | QUICKPROPERTIES | Displays the Quick Properties pane. |
Saves the current drawing. |
Selects entities according to specified options. |
Turns Quick Text on or off; when on, text is displayed as placeholder boxes, rather than as characters or words. |
Trims all entities to the edge of a cutting entity in a single operation. |
Draws an infinite line in one direction from a specified starting point.
Draws an architectural railing. |
Allows you to pan the drawing in real time. |
Allows you to enlarge or reduce the display of the drawing in real time. |
Associates dimensions with a different entity or point on an entity. |
Associates programs with entity data. |
Searches for text and tags that are contained in the drawing file and initializes the adjustAlignment function. |
Displays the Record Script dialog box so you can record a script file. |
Opens and fixes a drawing that you suspect is damaged. |
Draws a rectangle. |
Creates multiple copies of entities in a rectangular (rows and columns) pattern. |
Restores a built-in command deleted by UNDEFINE. |
Reverses an UNDO command. You must use the UNDO command before you can use the REDO command. |
Redraws the entire display, erasing any marker blips that were visible. |
Redraws all viewports. |
Displays a grid of dots on the screen used for visual reference. |
Regenerates the current viewports. |
Regenerates all viewports. |
Automatically regenerates a drawing. |
Updates the position of associative dimensions in the drawing. |
Creates a three-dimensional solid from an existing two-dimensional entity. |
Updates map image entities from the mapping service and optimizes their resolution. |
Removes an entity from the block that is being edited in-place. |
Removes one or more leader lines from existing multileader entities. |
Changes the names associated with text styles, layers, linetypes, blocks, views, user coordinate systems, viewport configurations, and dimension styles. |
Creates a new block by renaming a single block instance. |
Removes hidden lines, and then shades the surface as though it were illuminated from multiple light sources. |
Defines settings for rendering images, such as smoothing, base materials, and shadow resolution. |
Removes overrides made to dimension text and returns the dimension to its original value. |
Resets CUI user interface customization to the default. |
Restarts a command script from the beginning. |
Resumes an interrupted command script. |
Reverses the direction of selected lines, polylines, splines and helixes by swapping the vertices of each segment. |
Draws cloud shapes which are used to mark where revisions have been made in a drawing. |
Creates a three-dimensional solid by revolving an existing two-dimensional entity around a selected axis, line, polyline, or two points. |
Creates a three-dimensional polygon mesh approximating a surface of revolution by rotating a curve around a selected axis. |
Turns the display of the ribbon on. |
Turns the display of the ribbon off. |
Draws an architectural roof. |
Draws an architectural roof slab. |
Rotates existing entities around a specified rotation point. |
Changes the orientation of single-line text, multiline text, attribute definitions, and block attribute text. |
Creates a three-dimensional polygon mesh approximating a ruled surface between two curves. |
Displays the Run Script dialog box, allowing a script command to be carried out. |
Displays the Save Drawing File As dialog box so you can save the current drawing. You can also save the drawing using a different name. |
Saves all open drawings. |
Displays the Save Drawing File As dialog box so you can save the current drawing. |
Saves modifications to the current block. Available only in the Block Editor. |
Opens the Save Block As dialog box. Saves the current block with a different name. Available only in the Block Editor. |
Saves a block, entire drawing, or entities to a separate drawing file. |
Opens the New Layer State dialog box where you can specify the name and description for a new layer state. |
Saves the current menu, toolbar, and ribbon visibility settings to a new or existing workspace. |
Changes the size of entities proportionally. |
Defines the scales that are available to assign to annotative entities. |
Changes the scale of existing text entities, either enlarging them or reducing them. |
Turns the scroll bars around the drawing window on or off. |
Creates a cross section through a solid as a region or block. |
Creates a section line which determines a two-dimensional projection of the area you want to view. |
Adds a new two-dimensional projection from an existing section line. |
Draws a plane that creates a cross-section of a model which is used to view and analyze it. |
Opens the Section Plane Settings dialog box. |
Displays the Security dialog box so you can set security restrictions for running macros in progeCAD. |
Groups entities into a selection set for use in subsequent commands. |
Displays the grips of selected entities. |
Searches for entities that match properties of other entities. The entities with properties that match are then added to the selection set. |
Displays the Selection Filter pane, which displays all entities in the drawing and allows you to filter and select entities by layer, color, entity type, and linetype. |
Closes the Selection Filter pane. |
Opens the Send Feedback dialog box so you can provide enhancement requests, report issues, and more. |
Changes the draw order of hatches to be drawn and printed behind all entities in a drawing. |
Activates a mail program so you can send an progeCAD drawing file via electronic mail. |
Attaches geographic location data to a drawing file. |
Sets a new layer as the current layer. |
Sets properties to ByLayer for selected entities. |
Displays the user coordinate systems dialog box so you can select the current UCS from the list of preset definitions. |
Changes z-coordinates of all entities contained in the drawing to a new value that you specify. |
Shades models in the current viewport. |
Allows you to insert shapes from a compiled shape file (.SHX) into your drawing. |
Displays the Sheet Set Manager pane which allows you to view, organize, and publish sheet sets. |
Displays the control vertices of selected NURBS surfaces and curves. |
Shows all edges of a 3D face, mesh, or polyface mesh. |
Reverses the HIDEPALETTES command so that the ribbon, the quick access toolbar, all previously-hidden palettes, and drawing tabs are redisplayed. |
Allows you to determine whether progeCAD can be started one time or multiple times simultaneously. |
Draws an architectural slab. |
Creates a new entity by cutting the original entity and removing a specific side. |
Restricts cursor movement to specified increments. |
Modifies three-dimensional solids. |
Draws a three-dimensional spherical entity as a 3D mesh. |
Draws a three-dimensional spherical entity as an ACIS solid. |
Draws a curved polyline. |
Adds a spot light to your drawing for rendering. |
Draws an architectural stair. |
Switches from the current drawing to the Start page. |
Turns the status at the bottom of the window on or off. |
Displays the Import STEP File dialog box so you can import a STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product) model data file. |
Allows you to export ACIS entities such as surfaces, regions, and solids to a STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product) model data file with an .step, .ste or .stp extension. |
Displays the Import STL File dialog box so you can import an STL (Stereolithography) file. |
Allows you to export three-dimensional solids to an STL (Stereolithography) file with an .stl extension. |
Creates 2D and three-dimensional steel shapes of different types. |
Stops the recording of scripts. |
Moves a portion of a drawing while retaining connections to other parts of the drawing. |
Creates 2D and three-dimensional shapes in the following categories: Studs, S Studs, Joists, Track. |
Creates a composite three-dimensional solid by subtracting two or more solids. |
Hatches an area using a selected image, texture, block, external reference, or wipeout. |
Creates a three-dimensional solid or surface by sweeping an entity along a path. |
Allows you to navigate to the next or previous tab in the current drawing. |
Switches from a layout tab to the Model tab. |
Lists all drawing windows that are open and allows you to switch between, save, or close them. |
Updates all block instances with the changes made to a block attribute. |
Returns scale views of annotative entities to their default locations. |
Synchronizes multiple layout viewports so that they look like parts of one viewport. |
Displays and manages progeCAD system variables and their properties. |
Rearranges open drawing windows and icons. |
Inserts a table in the drawing. |
Allows you to create and modify table styles. |
Tangent | TANGENT | Toggles the Tangent snap on or off. |
Creates text entities. |
Fits the width of single-line text to new starting and ending points. |
Moves text, dimensions, and leaders to the front of other entities. |
Converts text entities to a multiline text entity. |
Creates or changes current text fonts (styles). |
Converts surfaces or meshes into three-dimensional solids with a specified thickness. |
Sets the thickness for all new entities. |
Tile Horizontally | Horizontally tiles the open drawing windows. |
Tile Vertically | Vertically tiles the open drawing windows. |
Displays the drawing creation and update times; also permits control of an elapsed timer. |
Displays the Tip of the Day dialog box. |
Displays the Geometric Tolerance dialog box so you can define the maximum allowable geometric variations in the current drawing. |
Opens the Toolbar Settings dialog box so you can specify the toolbars you want displayed and other options. |
Displays the Tool Palettes pane. |
Closes the Tool Palettes pane. |
Opens the Tool Palettes pane at a specified tool palette or palette group. |
Draws a torus as a 3D mesh. |
Draws a three-dimensional torus as an ACIS solid. |
Calculates a running total area of entities in a selection set. |
Calculates a running total length of entities in a selection set. |
Draws a two-dimensional solid line of specified width. |
Sets a temporary tracking point (available while using a command that requests a point). |
Turns transparency on or off for the selected image. |
Erases the portions of selected entities that cross a specified boundary. |
Defines or modifies the current user coordinate system; see also EXPUCS. |
Turns the display of the UCS icon on or off. |
Allows a command defined by another program to override an progeCAD command. |
Restores erased entities. |
Reverses the effect of the previous command. |
Breaks a group into its separate source entities. |
Reverses the effect of the previous command; also reverses the effect of multiple commands and provides control of the UNDO command. |
Creates a composite three-dimensional solid by combining two or more solids. |
Restores the display of entities that were hidden with the Hide Entities and Isolate Entities commands. |
Selects coordinate and angle display formats and precision. |
Automatically updates fields that are contained in selected entities. |
Displays the Using progeCAD guide in PDF format. |
Displays or changes system variables.
Displays information about the status of the digital signature attached to the current drawing. |
Manages the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programs. |
Loads a VBA project file (.vbi file). |
Allows you to run a VBA macro. |
Allows you to run a VBA function. |
Displays a navigation tool, called view cube, when working in 2D model space or 3D visual styles. |
Manages named views so you can create, rename, and redefine named views. |
Controls the precision and speed of drawing circles and arcs by specifying the number of sides in a circle. |
Displays the View Snapshot dialog box so you can view a previously created slide file. |
Displays the View Transitions dialog box where you can set the duration and performance of smooth view transitions. |
Selects the viewpoint for a three-dimensional visualization. |
Controls properties and visibility of layers in layout viewports. |
Divides the graphics display into multiple viewports, each of which can contain a different view of the current drawing. |
Starts the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) program and displays the VBA window. |
Displays a drawing using the chosen style. |
Draws an architectural wall. |
Adds a web light to your drawing for rendering. |
Draws a wedge as a 3D mesh. |
Draws a three-dimensional wedge as an ACIS solid. |
Draws an architectural window. |
Creates wipeout entities and turns their frames on or off. |
Exports a Windows metafile. |
Creates 2D or three-dimensional wood details in the following categories: Lumber and TJI Joists. |
Creates, sets current, renames, or deletes a workspace. Also defines settings for the workspace environment. |
Allows you to define settings for how progeCAD works with workspaces. |
Displays the Workspaces dialog box, from which you can create viewports and select the type of workspace in which you want to work. |
Displays the Import Excel File dialog box so you can import an .xls or .xlsx file. |
Determines whether a logical XOR is used for the color of the cursor and entity snap markers. |
Breaks apart a complex entity into separate entities and sets properties for the newly separated entities. |
Allows you to manage external drawings that you have in the current drawing, without changing their content. |
Saves modifications to external reference layers. |
Opens an external reference for editing without having to open the Xref Manager. |
Enlarges or reduces the display of the active drawing. |