Attach Raster Image (command line version)

Attach Raster Image (command line version)


Attaches an image to a drawing. After selecting an image in the Select Image File dialog box, the following prompts display:

Insertion point <0.0,0.0,0.0>: Specify the insertion point in the drawing, or enter coordinates.

Scale or [Unit] <1.0>: Specify the scale factor by typing its value, or choosing the point in the drawing. Choose Unit to set the scale factor by changing drawing units of the image file to attach.

Enter unit [MM/Centimeter/Meter/Kilometer/Inch/Foot/Yard/MILe/Unitless] <Millimeters>: Specify drawing units used for the image file as it displays in the drawing.

Rotation in degrees <0.0>: Specify rotation by choosing the point in the drawing, or enter how many degrees to rotate the image to the left.

Tell me about...

Attach Raster Image (dialog box version)

Clip Image

Image About

Image Manager

Image Quality

How do I...

Work with images