Edit Attributes (Single)


Keyboard: EATTEDIT

Displays the Attribute Editor dialog box so you can edit the value, text settings, and properties of each attribute in the selected block reference.

Select a block with attributes: Select the block reference with the attributes you want to modify.


Block Displays the name of the selected block.

Tag Displays the tag of the attribute that you are editing.

Select Block Click to temporarily close the dialog box and switch to the drawing to select the block reference with the attributes you want to edit.


Attribute List Lists all attributes attached to the selected block reference that are available for editing, and displays the tag, prompt, and value for each attribute.

Value Enter a new value for the attribute selected in the list.


Text Style Choose a text style for the attribute text.

Justification Choose how the attribute text is aligned relative to grips.

Height Enter a value for the height of the attribute text.

Rotation Enter a rotation angle for the attribute text.

Annotative Mark to specify that the attribute is annotative.

Backwards Mark to display the attribute text backwards. Not available for multiline attribute text.

Upside Down Mark to display the attribute text upside down. Not available for multiline attribute text.

Width Factor Enter a value for the character spacing. Values less than 1.0 condense the text. Values greater than 1.0 expand the text. Not available for multiline attribute text.

Oblique Angle Enter an oblique angle for the attribute text characters. Positive values slant characters to the right; negative values slant characters to the left. Not available for multiline attribute text.

Boundary Width Enter the maximum length of text lines in a multiline attribute text. The text automatically wraps to the next line when the maximum length is exceeded. A value of 0 means that there is no limit on the the length of text lines. Available only for multiline attribute text.


Layer Select the layer to assign to the attribute text.

Linetype Choose a linetype for the attribute text.

Color Choose a color for the attribute text.

Lineweight Choose a lineweight for the attribute text.

Print Style Choose a print style to use for printing the attribute text.

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Define Attributes

Edit Attributes (Multiple)