Create or Edit Entity Data

Create or Edit Entity Data



Creates or edits extended entity data for a selected entity.

The ability to create and edit extended entity data was originally intended for third-party application developers, and it required the presence of an outside application to place the extended data on a given entity. However, this functionality is also conveniently available to progeCAD end users via the graphical extended entity editor. In this context, the term "application" refers to a key or index with which the extended entity data can be referenced or modified, as shown in the example that follows.

Select entity to create or edit Entity Data:

Select the entity for which you want to create or edit entity data. The Create or Edit Entity Data dialog box is displayed.

An application name must be present before you can insert any other data.

To create an application name, click Insert and choose Application name; then type the name.

After the application name is inserted, the other data types on the Insert menu become available.



Entity for which entity data will be created.

Delete To delete an entity data item, select it and then click Delete.

Insert To insert an entity data item, select the position where you want to insert it. Click Insert, and then select the type of data you want to insert. The program inserts the entity data item, giving it the generic type name. Replace the type name with the data.

Rename To rename an entity data item, select the item and then click Rename. Type the new data, and then press Enter.

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Copy Entity Data

Delete Entity Data

Move Entity Data

Reassociate Entity Data