Edit Attributes

Edit Block Attributes

Keyboard: ATTEDIT


Allows you to edit the values of the attributes (informational text) associated with a single block.

Select a block with attributes: Select the block that has defined attributes. The Edit Block Attributes dialog box is displayed.


Block Displays the name of the selected block. To change the name of the block, use the Explore Blocks command.

Name Displays the name of the attribute, which cannot be edited.

Prompt Displays the prompt for the attribute, which cannot be edited.

Value Displays the value of the attribute.

Select an attribute name, and then edit its value in the Value text field. When you have finished changing the values, click OK. To discard the changes and keep the attribute values as they were, click Cancel.

TIP To edit the attributes of more than one block at a time, use the Edit Attributes (Multiple) command or Global Edit Attributes command.

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Define Attributes

Edit Attributes (Multiple)

Edit Attributes (Single)