Explore Visual Styles

Explore Visual Styles




Displays the Explorer with the list of visual styles available in the drawing. In the Explorer, you can create a new visual style based on an existing one and then modify its properties, such as lighting, face, edge settings, etc. You cannot modify or delete predefined visual styles, but you can copy, rename, delete, or purge, custom visual styles.

The following columns are available:

Visual Style Name Lists names of visual styles defined in the current drawing. A check mark indicates the current visual style.

Default Lighting Controls whether default lighting is on or off (for example, if a drawing has its own lights).

Face Style Controls the style used to display faces: None, Real (realistic), or Gooch (non-realistic).

Face Opacity Controls the opacity level applied to faces from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (fully opaque).

Materials Controls whether materials and textures display.

Face Highlight Controls the level of specular highlight used to display faces that do not have materials.

Backgrounds Controls whether a background displays.

Edges Controls whether to display edges, and whether to display them as isolines or facet edges.

Isolines on Top Controls whether isolines display on top of shaded entities.

Silhouette Controls whether to display silhouette edges, which are the edges that connect a back facing entity with a front facing entity.

Silhouette Width Controls the number of pixels used to display silhouette edge width.

Line Extensions Controls the number of pixels that lines and edges display beyond their endpoints for a hand-drawn effect.

Edge Jitter Controls the number of lines that are offset for a pencil effect.

Edge Crease Angle Controls the angle used for displaying crease edges.

Halo Gap % Controls the gap size displayed where one entity is hidden by another entity.

Description Enter a description for the visual style.

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Visual Styles

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Work with visual styles