Extract Isolines

Extract Isolines



Creates curves from contours of three-dimensional solids and surfaces. The resulting curve depends on the original entity's shape and can be a line, polyline, arc, circle, or spline.

Select a surface, solid, or face: Select the surface, solid, or solid face that you want to extract isolines from. To select a solid face, press Ctrl + click.

Select point on surface or [Chain/Direction/Spline points]: Click to create the curve that is being previewed when the mouse hovers over the selected entity. Choose Chain to extract curves from adjacent faces of the selected entity. To change the direction of the extracted isoline, choose Direction. By default, curves are created in the U direction. To create a curve that passes through points that you specify on the selected entity's surface, choose Spline points, and start to specify points. Press Enter when done.

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Create three-dimensional entities from extracted curves