Levels Manager

Levels Manager


Keyboard: LEVELS

Displays the Levels Manager dialog box where you can view, add, modify, and delete AEC levels. You can also change on/off, lock/unlock, and freeze/thaw statuses of levels. To make a level current, double-click it. Single-click a selected level to edit its name or change any of its properties.

Level Name Displays the name of the level.

Bottom Elevation Displays the bottom elevation of the level. Click the lock on the right to lock or unlock the bottom elevation. If locked, the value of the bottom elevation is fixed (static) and doesn't change if you enter new values for the top elevation or wall height. If not locked, the value of the bottom elevation is recalculated if the top elevation or wall height change.

Top Elevation Displays the top elevation of the level. Click the lock on the right to lock or unlock the top elevation value. If locked, the value of the top elevation is fixed (static) and doesn't change if you enter new values for the bottom elevation or wall height. If not locked, the value of the top elevation is recalculated if the bottom elevation or wall height change.

Wall Height Displays the height of walls assigned to the level. It can be automatically recalculated if the bottom and/or top elevations are locked and you change their values.

On/Off Click to turn a level on or off. When a level is turned off, AEC entities assigned to that level are no longer visible and do not print.

Lock/Unlock Click to lock or unlock a level. The AEC entities on a locked level are still visible and print, but are not editable. Locking a level prevents you from accidentally modifying entities.

Freeze/Thaw Click to freeze or thaw a level. AEC entities assigned to frozen levels do not display, do not print, do not regenerate, and do not affect the display or printing of other entities.

Settings Click to open the Level Settings dialog box where you can specify additional settings for the selected level.

Offset Between Levels Enter a value for the offset between levels if needed. If the offset is set to 0, the top elevation of the level is the same as the bottom elevation of the next level. (This setting corresponds to the LEVELOFFSET system variable.)

Add Level Prefix to AEC Entity Layers Mark to add level prefixes to the names of layers that are automatically created and assigned to AEC entities. (This setting corresponds to the LEVELPREFIX system variable.)