Plane Solve

Plane Solve



Creates roof or ceiling planes using plane symbols. Plane symbols are attached to walls automatically when you draw walls. If the setting to automatically attach plane symbols is turned off, you can attach them later to existing walls using the Plane Symbol command.

Select plane symbol for roof or ceiling profiling: Pick a plane symbol where you want to start drawing the roof or ceiling, depending on which type of plane symbol you select. The planes are created using the same settings that are assigned to the plane symbols you select.

Select plane symbol or line to trim to or [Undo]: Pick another plane symbol, or any of the trim lines. Trim lines display as dashed guide lines when you move the cursor around the model, indicating where a plane could be trimmed relative to a wall, cantilever, overhang, or imaginary intersection of roof or ceiling planes. When you pick the next plane symbol or trim line, the previously created plane is trimmed to the newly created plane. Depending on the order in which you select plane symbols and trim lines, you can create roofs and ceilings of different types and shapes that are formed by multiple roof or ceiling planes.

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Plane Symbol