Section Plane




Draws a plane that creates a cross-section of a model which is used to view and analyze it. Section planes only apply when the graphics device is set to OpenGL ES.

Specify first point on section plane or [Orthographic/Settings]: Pick a point, or enter its coordinates. To draw a section plane that is aligned with an orthographic orientation relative to the UCS, choose Orthographic. To change display options for section planes, choose Settings and make your selections in the Section Plane Settings dialog box.

Specify second point: Pick a second point.

Specify third point or Enter to complete: To draw a section plane that is automatically aligned with the current view direction, press Enter. To draw a section plane with a different orientation, pick a third point to define its vertical direction.

To align the section plane to an orthographic orientation relative to the UCS

Choose Orthographic.

Align section plane to [Front/bAck/Top/Bottom/Left/Right]: Specify the orthographic orientation that you want the section plane to align with.

Tell me about...

Live Section On/Off

Explore Layers

How do I...

Use a section plane to view a drawing