IntelliCAD 11.1 Object Library
Project Overview


IntelliCAD 11.1 Object Library


Class ModuleDescription
ApplicationAn instance of the application. This is the root object.
ApplicationPreferencesSettings for the current application session.
ArcA segment of a circle or ellipse.
AttributeA block component that contains specific text or numeric information.
AttributeDefThe prompt, tag string, default value, and display characteristics of an attribute.
AttributesCollection of all attributes in a document.
BlockOne or more entities grouped together to create a single entity.
BlockInsertAn instance of a block definition inserted into a drawing.
BlocksThe collection of all blocks in a drawing.
CircleA full circle.
colorA Color object.
DictionariesThe collection of all dictionaries in a drawing.
DictionaryA container that provides a repository for storing and retrieving objects with associated string keywords.
Dim3PointAngularAn angular dimension measured using three points.
DimAlignedA linear dimension measuring the distance between two points.
DimAngularAn angular dimension measuring the angle of an arc or the angle between two lines.
DimDiametricA dimension measuring the diameter of a circle or arc.
DimensionA dimension measuring and displaying the distance between objects.
DimensionStyleSettings that determine the appearance of a dimension.
DimensionStylesThe collection of all dimension styles in a drawing.
DimOrdinateAn ordinate dimension measuring the distance along the x- or y-axis from an origin to a selected point.
DimRadialA dimension measuring the radius of a circle or arc.
DimRotatedA dimension measuring the distance between two points and displaying the results at a specified angle from the points.
DocumentA drawing.
DocumentPreferencesCurrent document settings.
DocumentsCollection of all open documents.
EllipseAn elliptical arc or full ellipse.
EntityParent object of all objects that can be drawn in a drawing.
ExternalReferenceDrawing file that is attached to a drawing.
Face3DA three-dimensional triangle or quadrilateral plane section.
GroupA named selection set of one or more drawing entities which can be operated on as a single unit.
GroupsThe collection of all groups in a drawing.
HatchAn area fill consisting of a pattern of lines.
HyperlinkA link to an external file or location.
HyperlinksThe collection of all hyperlinks in a drawing.
IIcadPlotManagerIIcadPlotManager Interface
IIcadPlotPropertiesIIcadPlotProperties Interface
IIcadPlotterPenIIcadPlotterPen Interface
IIcadPlotterPensIIcadPlotterPens Interface
IIcadWorkspaceWorkspace Primary Interface
ImageA raster image consisting of a rectangular grid of pixels.
InfiniteLineA line extending infinitely in both directions.
LayerA grouping of drawing entities into logical sets.
LayersThe collection of all layers in a drawing.
LayoutA set of paper-related settings and print settings.
LayoutsThe collection of all layouts in a drawing.
LeaderA line leading from a feature of the drawing to an annotation.
LibraryAn object used to access methods that enable compatibility with Solutions Development System (SDS) library functions.
LineA single line segment.
LinetypeSettings that define the appearance of a line.
LinetypesThe collection of all linetypes in a drawing.
LWPolylineOne or more connected line or arc segments treated as a single entity.
MatrixA Matrix object.
ModelSpaceCollection of all model space entities in a document.
MTextMultiple lines of characters.
PaperSpaceCollection of all paper space entities in a document.
PlotConfigurationSet of print settings defined for a specific print device and media.
PlotConfigurationsThe collection of all plot configurations in a drawing.
PlotManagerAn object that can obtain and set plot parameters, such as paper size, orientation, and other properties.
PlotPropertiesA group of parameters related to a plot, such as the scale, origin, and pen characteristics.
PlotterPenA set of parameters related to pens in a plotter.
PlotterPensThe collection of all plotter pens in a drawing.
PointA single x, y, z-coordinate location.
PointEntityA single x, y, z-coordinate location displayed as one of several point symbols.
PointsCollection of all points in a document.
PolyfaceMeshA three-dimensional mesh consisting of a set of vertices and faces.
PolygonMeshA three-dimensional free-form mesh consisting of vertices that form a 3D matrix of quadrangular figures.
PolylineOlder version of lightweight polyline.
Polyline3DA polyline with three-dimensional characteristics.
PreferencesFilesSettings that affect the use of various external files.
PViewportA window that displays all or part of a drawing's paper space.
RayA line that starts at a base point and continues infinitely.
RegionA closed planar boundary that can consist of lines, circles, arcs, elliptical arcs, and splines.
RegisteredApplicationAn external application that has been added to the drawing.
RegisteredApplicationsThe collection of all registered applications (external applications added to the drawing).
SelectionSetOne or more drawing entities which can be operated on as a single unit.
SelectionSetsThe collection of all selection sets in a drawing.
ShapeLines, arcs, and circles defined in an SHX file.
SolidA solid-filled polygon.
Solid3DA solid object consisting of faces and edges and appearing to have volume.
SplineA free-form curve generated along the path of three or more control points.
TableStyleA set of paper-related settings and print settings.
TextA single line of characters.
TextStyleSettings that determine the appearance of text.
TextStylesThe collection of all text styles in a drawing.
ToleranceGeometric tolerance.
TraceA two-dimensional solid line of specified width.
UserCoordSystemA coordinate system defined by the user for determining the orientation of the X, Y, and Z axes.
UserCoordSystemsThe collection of all UCSs in a drawing.
UtilityAn object used to access a series of properties and methods for user input and data conversion.
VectorData describing an entity with both magnitude and direction.
ViewA representation of a drawing or a portion of a drawing from a specific viewpoint in three-dimensional space.
ViewportA window that displays all or part of a drawing's model space.
ViewportsThe collection of all viewports in a drawing.
ViewsThe collection of all views in a drawing.
WindowAn open window.
WindowsCollection of all open windows.
WorkspaceSettings for the space used for working with drawing information.
XRecordAn object used to store and manage associated drawing data.

Public Enumerations

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