AngleFormat | Sets or returns the unit format for angular dimensions. |
Application | Returns the Application object. |
Arrowhead1Block | Sets or returns the block to use as the custom arrowhead for the first end of the dimension line. |
Arrowhead1Type | Sets or returns the type of arrowhead for the first end of the dimension line. |
Arrowhead2Block | Sets or returns the block to use as the custom arrowhead for the second end of the dimension line. |
Arrowhead2Type | Sets or returns the type of arrowhead for the second end of the dimension line. |
ArrowheadSize | Sets or returns the size of dimension line arrowheads. |
color | Sets or returns the true color of the entity. |
DecimalSeparator | Sets or returns the character to be used as the decimal separator in decimal dimension and tolerance values. |
DimensionLineColor | Sets or returns dimension line color. |
DimLine1Suppress | Sets or returns whether to suppress the first dimension line. |
DimLine2Suppress | Sets or returns whether to suppress the second dimension line. |
DimLineInside | Sets or returns whether to display the dimension line inside the extension lines. |
Document | Returns the document associated with the object. |
EntityName | Returns the class name of the entity. |
EntityType | Returns the type of the entity. |
ExtensionLineColor | Sets or returns the color of the dimension extension line. |
ExtensionLineExtend | Sets or returns the distance the extension line extends beyond the dimension line. |
ExtensionLineOffset | Sets or returns the distance the extension lines are offset from the origin points. |
ExtLine1EndPoint | Sets or returns the end point of the first extension line. |
ExtLine1StartPoint | Sets or returns the start point of the first extension line. |
ExtLine1Suppress | Sets or returns whether to suppress the first extension line. |
ExtLine2EndPoint | Sets or returns the end point of the first extension line. |
ExtLine2StartPoint | Sets or returns the start point of the first extension line. |
ExtLine2Suppress | Sets or returns whether to suppress the first extension line. |
Fit | Sets or returns the placement of text and arrowheads inside or outside extension lines. |
ForceLineInside | Sets or returns if a dimension line is drawn between the extension lines even when the text is placed outside the extension lines. |
Handle | Returns the handle of the item. |
HasExtensionDictionary | Determines if the object has an extension dictionary associated with it. |
HorizontalTextPosition | Sets or returns the Horizontal justification of dimension test. |
Layer | Sets or returns the layer that the entity is on. |
Linetype | Sets or returns the linetype of the entity. |
LinetypeScale | Sets or returns the entity's linetype scale. |
Lineweight | Specifies the lineweight for the object. |
Measurement | Sets or returns the measurement for the dimension. |
Normal | Sets or returns the Extrusion Direction vector for the entity. |
ObjectName | Returns the class name of the entity. |
Parent | Returns the database item's parent object. |
PlotStyleName | Specifies the plotstyle name for the object. |
Rotation | Sets or returns the rotation angle in radians for the dimension. |
ScaleFactor | Sets or returns the scale factor for the dimension. |
StyleName | Sets or returns the name of the dimension style. |
SuppressLeadingZeroes | Sets or returns whether to suppress leading zeros in dimension values. |
SuppressTrailingZeroes | Sets or returns whether to suppress trailing zeros in dimension values. |
TextColor | Sets or returns the color of the dimension text. |
TextGap | Sets or returns the distance between the dimension text and the dimension line when the dimension line is broken to accommodate dimension text. |
TextHeight | Sets or returns the height for the dimension text. |
TextInside | Sets or returns whether to display the text inside the extension lines. |
TextInsideAlign | Sets or returns the position of text inside the extension lines. |
TextMovement | Sets or returns how dimension text is drawn when text is moved. |
TextOutsideAlign | Sets or returns the position of text outside the extension lines. |
TextOverride | Sets or returns the text string of the dimension style. |
TextPosition | Sets or returns the dimension text position. |
TextPrecision | Sets or returns the precision of angular dimension text. |
TextPrefix | Sets or returns the dimension value prefix. |
TextRotation | Sets or returns the rotation angle for the dimension text. |
TextString | Sets or returns the dimension text string. |
TextStyle | Sets or returns the name of the dimension text style. |
TextSuffix | Sets or returns the dimension value suffix. |
ToleranceDisplay | Sets or returns how tolerances are displayed with the dimension text. |
ToleranceHeightScale | Sets or returns the scale factor for the text height of tolerance values relative to the dimension text height. |
ToleranceJustification | Sets or returns the vertical justification of tolerance values relative to the nominal dimension text. |
ToleranceLowerLimit | Sets or returns the minimum tolerance limit for dimension text. |
TolerancePrecision | Sets or returns the precision of tolerance values in primary dimensions. |
ToleranceSuppressLeadingZeroes | Sets or returns whether to suppress leading zeros in tolerance values. |
ToleranceSuppressTrailingZeroes | Sets or returns whether to suppress trailing zeros in tolerance values. |
ToleranceSuppressZeroFeet | Sets or returns whether to suppress zero foot measurements in tolerance values. |
ToleranceSuppressZeroInches | Sets or returns whether to suppress zero inch measurements in tolerance values. |
ToleranceUpperLimit | Sets or returns the maximum tolerance limit for dimension text. |
TrueColor | Sets or returns the true color of the entity. |
UnitsFormat | Sets or returns the unit format for all dimensions except angular. |
VerticalTextPosition | Sets or returns the vertical position of text in relation to the dimension line. |
Visible | Sets or returns whether the entity is visible. |