Sets or returns the Thickness of the arc.
Property type
Read-write property
Visual Basic |
Public Property Thickness As Double |
Private Sub ThicknessExample()
' This example adds an arc to the drawing and returns the thickness.
Dim icadDoc As IntelliCAD.Document
Dim myArc As Arc
Dim cenPt As IntelliCAD.Point
Dim myObj As Object
Dim myThickness As Double
Set icadDoc = ActiveDocument
Set cenPt = Library.CreatePoint(4, 2)
'Add the arc to the .dwg
Set myArc = icadDoc.ModelSpace.AddArc(cenPt, 3, 1, 3)
' Display the entity
myThickness = myArc.Thickness
MsgBox "Thickness = " & myThickness, , "Arc Thickness"
End Sub