Zvector Property

Property type
Visual Basic |
Public Property Zvector As Vector |
' This example creates a new UCS and lists its X, Y, and Z Vectors.
' Define a new UCS and turn on the UCS icon at the origin.
Dim ucsObj As IntelliCAD.UserCoordSystem
Dim origin As Point
Dim xAxisVector As Vector
Dim yAxisVector As Vector
Dim UCSName As String
Set origin = Library.CreatePoint(0, 0, 0)
Set xAxisVector = Library.CreateVector(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0)
Set yAxisVector = Library.CreateVector(0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 0)
UCSName = InputBox("Type a name for the user coordinate system:")
Set ucsObj = ThisDocument.UserCoordinateSystems.Add(origin, xAxisVector, yAxisVector, UCSName)
MsgBox "XVector.x = " & ucsObj.Xvector.x & Chr(13) & "XVector.y = " & ucsObj.Xvector.y & Chr(13) & "XVector.z = " & ucsObj.Xvector.z
MsgBox "YVector.x = " & ucsObj.Yvector.x & Chr(13) & "YVector.y = " & ucsObj.Yvector.y & Chr(13) & "XVector.z = " & ucsObj.Yvector.z
MsgBox "ZVector.x = " & ucsObj.Zvector.x & Chr(13) & "ZVector.y = " & ucsObj.Zvector.y & Chr(13) & "ZVector.z = " & ucsObj.Zvector.z
End Sub