: button
Create a button with or without a label. DCL Active Tile
This active tile creates a button, with or without a superimposed label. A button is generally used to exit a dialog box or to display another box ("tunneling dialog boxes"). Every dialog box must have at least one button, which is connected to the LISP function done_dialog; otherwise the program hangs.
: button {
action = "(done_dialog)";
label = "OK";
NOTE Several predefined tiles provide the most common button clusters, including the ok_only attribute, ok_cancel, and ok_cancel_help tiles.
Valid Attributes
: button {
action = "(string)";
alignment = position;
fixed_height = flag;
fixed_width = flag;
height = number;
is_cancel = flag;
is_default = flag;
is_enabled = flag;
is_tab_stop = flag;
key = "string";
label = "string";
mnemonic = "char";
width = number;
: button {
action = "(convdxf)";
label="Convert to DXF";
NOTE The label attribute indicates the text on the button-for example:
label = "Sync Grid to Snap"
Related DCL Tiles