: radio_button

Display a radio button.     DCL Active Tile

This active tile displays a radio button. A dot appears when the radio button is turned on or selected. The special character of the radio button signifies that the user can select only one radio button at a time; when one radio button is selected, any other radio button (in the same cluster) is turned off.

A radio_button tile must be placed within a radio_column or radio_row cluster tile. Otherwise, The program does not know which radio buttons are related to each other.

If you want to allow the user to select more than one option, use check boxes (via the toggle tile) instead.

NOTE When you write a DCL file that has more than one radio button in a radio_column or radio_row cluster turned on (value = "1"), the program ignores all "turned-on" radio buttons after the first one.

Valid Attributes

: radio_button {

          action = "(string)";

          alignment = position;

          fixed_height = flag;

          fixed_width = flag;

          height = number;

          is_enabled = flag;

          is_tab_stop = flag;

          key = "string";

          label = "string";

          mnemonic = "char";

          value = "string";

          width = number;



: radio_button {

action = "(parent)";

key = "R21";

label = "Parent";


NOTE The value attribute indicates which radio button is currently selected, via the value of "1":

     value = "1"

Related DCL Tiles








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Programming Overview of DCL (Dialog Control Language)

About Predefined Attributes