: slider
Display a horizontal or vertical slider. DCL Active Tile
This active tile displays a slider bar, which can be horizontal or vertical. The slider moves faster or slower depending on where the user clicks.
Valid Attributes
: slider {
action = "(string)";
alignment = position;
big_increment = int;
fixed_height = flag;
fixed_width = flag;
height = number;
key = "string";
label = "string";
layout = position'
max_value = int;
min_value = int;
mnemonic = "char";
small_increment = int;
value = "string";
width = number;
: slider {
action = "(slider)";
big_increment = 32;
key = "S1";
max_value = 512;
min_value = 0;
small_increment = "1";
value = "16";
NOTE The value attribute indicates the default value of the slider bar; the default is min_value.
Related DCL Tiles