int dlg_new_dialog (wchar_t *dialog, int dlg-file, void *callback, sds_hdlg *handle);
Display a dialog box.
Use this function to display a dialog box.
The dialog box is identified by dialog within the DCL file named dcl-file. The string dialog is obtained from the dlg_load_dialog function.
The dlg_new_dialog function optionally executes the routine identified by the callback argument. To ignore this argument, use NULLCB.
When the dlg_new_dialog function is successful, it returns RTNORM and sets the handle argument with a handle name. When an error occurs, this function returns RTERROR and sets the handle argument with NULL.
NOTE After you use dlg_new_dialog the first time to initialize a dialog box, then use the dlg_new_positioned_dialog function to display a dialog box at a specific screen location.