int dlg_new_positioned_dialog (wchar_t *dialog, int dcl-file, void *callback, int x, int y, sds_hdlg *handle);
Display a dialog box at a specific location.
Use this function to display a dialog box at a specific location on the screen. This function is meant to be used the second time you open this dialog box. Because you do not know what the size of the progeCAD window will be, use the dlg_new_dialog function the first time you initialize the dialog box.
The dialog box is identified by dialog within the DCL file named dcl-file. The string dialog is obtained from the dlg_load_dialog function.
The dlg_new_positioned_dialog function optionally executes the routine identified by the callback argument. To ignore this argument, use NULLCB.
The x and y arguments are the coordinates of the lower-right corner of the dialog box. The upper-left coordinates are (0,0). You should get the x,y coordinates from dlg_done_positioned_dialog. When x and y are both set to -1, progeCAD opens the dialog box in the center of the window.
When the dlg_new_ positioned_dialog function is successful, it returns RTNORM and sets the handle argument with a handle name. When an error occurs, this function returns RTERROR and sets the handle argument with NULL.