About Predefined Attributes
About Predefined Attributes
The program's DCL includes many predefined attributes for tiles. The attributes use three types of values: numeric, strings, and reserved values. The valid attributes for each tile varies.
NOTE Do not use the horizontal_margin, vertical_margin, and type attributes in a DCL file.
Numeric Values
Numeric values are integers and/or real numbers, depending on the attribute. A real number between -1 and 1 must have a leading zero, such as 0.1 and not .1. Examples include:
A string consists of alphanumeric characters within a pair of quotation marks ("text") and is case sensitive. Examples include:
You can use the following control characters within strings:
Control Character | Meaning |
\" | Quotation mark. (embedded) |
\\ | Backslash. |
\n | New-line (carriage return). |
\t | Tab. |
Reserved Values
Some text is used without quotation marks. These are reserved values, which include flags (true and false), color names, and positions, such as left and top. Examples include:
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Copying Code Examples from the progeCAD Developer Reference