(boole function integer1 integer2 ...)

Apply the bitwise Boolean function.

This function applies the bitwise Boolean function. The function argument is an integer between 0 and 15; it represents the 16 possible Boolean functions in two variables. Each bit of integer1 is paired with the corresponding bit of integer2.

The following shows the Boolean truth table:

integer1 integer2 function
1 1 1
1 0 2
0 1 4
0 0 8

The following values of function are the AND, XOR, OR, and NOR Boolean operators:

Function Operation Resulting bit is 1 when
1 AND Both input bits are 1.
6 XOR Only one of the two input bits is 1.
7 OR Either or both of the input bits are 1.
8 NOR Both input bits are 0 (1's complement).


Code Returns
Logical AND:
(boole 1 10 9)

Logical XOR:
(boole 6 10 9)

Logical OR
(boole 7 10 9)

Logical NOR:
(boole 8 10 9)


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