(command cmd [arguments] ...)
Carry out this progeCAD command.
With this function, you can use any progeCAD command within a LISP program. Any of the arguments that follow will be used for that command. Any input needed should be stored as variables using setq. Points should be assigned to variables after using the function getpoint.
Some commands continue past the points you have specified. To exit from a command, type a space within quotes to represent an Enter, thus ending the command.
Code | Results |
(command "arc" '(0 0) '(2 4) '(8 20)) | Using preset points. |
(command "arc" p1 p2 p3) | Using preset variables. |
(command "line" p1 p2 p3 " ") | Space to end the command. |
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(defun [c:] name ([arg1 arg2 ...] / [local-var1 local-var2 ...]) expression)