(dictsearch ename symbol [setnext])

Search a dictionary for an item.

The dictsearch function searches a dictionary (ename) for an item specified by a string (symbol). If the parameter setnext is present and not nil, the dictnext entry counter is adjusted so the following dictnext call returns the entry after the one returned by this dictsearch call.

; Create an entity list

(setq dictionary (list '(0 . "DICTIONARY") '(100 . "AcDbDictionary")))

; Create an entity from entity list

(setq xname (entmakex dictionary))

; Get the named object dictionary

(setq nmdict (namedobjdict))

; Add a record to dictionary table and returns the entity name of the object added

(setq newdict (dictadd nmdict "MY_DICTIONARY" xname))

; Create an entity list

(setq datalist (append (list '(0 . "XRECORD") '(100 . "AcDbXrecord")) '((1 . "MY_DATA") (10 1. 2. 3.) (70 . 33))))

; Create an entity from entity list

(setq xname (entmakex datalist))

; Add a record and returns the entity name of the object added to the dictionary.

(dictadd newdict "DATA_RECORD" xname)

; Searches the record and returns the record if found.

(setq newdictlist (dictsearch nmdict "MY_DICTIONARY"))

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