(/ number1 number2 ...)
Divide the first number by the following numbers.
This function returns the quotient between the two numbers. If you have two numbers, divide number1 by the number2. If there are more than two numbers, divide the number1 by the product of all the following numbers.
You can use real numbers or integers. Dividing all real numbers returns a real number. The same is true for integers; dividing all integers returns an integer. However if there is a combination of real numbers and integers, the integers are recognized as real, and the result is a real number.
This expression | Returns |
(/ 8 4) | 2 |
(/ 6.0 12 5) | 0.100000 |
(/ 600.0 5) | 120.000 |
(/ 8 10 5) | 0 |
(/ 6 -3) | -2 |
(/) | 0 |
(/ 0.5) | 0.500000 |
NOTE A decimal point must be prefixed by a digit. For example, 0.5 is valid but .5 results in the progeCAD message, "Error: invalid argument list."
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(rem number1 number2 [number3 ...])