(entget entity-name [application-list])
Determine the DXF data of an entity.
This function retrieves the entity list from the drawing database. The list is assigned to a variable, and then is taken apart, using functions like car, cdr,and assoc.
The entity list returned is composed of element pairs called dotted pairs because a dot separates each half. In each pair, the first number represents the code number for a characteristic of the element; the second number is the data associated with the code.
As an example, let's draw a line and assign it the following variable values:
>Start point: 0,0
>Close/Undo/<Next point>: 5,5
Select entities: Pick line
Properties/<Change point>: P
(Color/Elev/LAyer/LType/ltScale/Thickness)? C
New color <BYLAYER>: 5
New Layer <0>: Electric
New Linetype <BYLAYER>: Continuous
Using the settings above, the following example applies:
Function | Returns | Code |
(setq myline (entget (entlast))) | ((-1 . <Entity name: | 1fe0558>) |
(0 . "LINE") | 0=Entity type | |
(5 . "2B") | 5=Handle | |
(100 . "AcDbEntity") | ||
(8 . "Electric") | 8=Layer name | |
(62 . 5) | 62=Color number | |
(6 . "CONTINUOUS") | 6=Linetype name | |
(100 . "AcDbLine") | ||
(10 0.0 0.0 0.0) | 10=x,y,z-coords | |
(11 5.0 5.0 0.0) | 11=Other x,y,z-coords | |
(210 0.0 0.0 1.0)) | 210=x,y,z-extrusion |
- Entget does not return all information about an entity. Missing is dotted pair data about the entity's properties when they do not differ from default values: color, linetype, thickness, attributes-follow flag, and the entity handle.
- While the data returned by entget is very similar to DXF format, there is one primary difference: x,y,z coordinates are returned by entget as a single value, rather than the separate values in DXF. Thus, you only see group code 10 with entget, instead of DXF group codes 10 (x-coordinate), 20 (y-coordinate), and 30 (z-coordinate).