
(entupd entity-name)

Redraw the entity.

This function redraws the entity on the screen. After you modify a block attribute or polyline vertex, the block or polyline is not updated automatically because recalculating and displaying a multitude of changes might take a long time.

Instead, you force an update of complex entities on the screen after the computations are done using entupd. The entity-name of an entity within the block or polyline updates the whole entity group.


Code Meaning
(setq a (entnext)) Assigns the entity-name to a.
. . . Change entity-see the entmod function.
(entupd a) Regenerates entity group, which contains a.

NOTE You can ensure that all entities on the screen are updated with the (command"regen") function.

Tell me about...

(entdel entity-name)

(entget entity-name [application-list])


(entmake [entity-list])

(entsel [prompt])

(nentsel [prompt])

(nentselp [prompt] [point])

LISP Compatibility

Programming Overview of LISP (LISt Processing) Language