
(getfiled title filename ext flags)

Display the Select File dialog box.

This function displays the operating system's file dialog box, which allows the user to select a file.

The title argument is the title of the file dialog box; this appears on the title bar. To create a blank titlebar, type " ", but you cannot leave the argument blank.

The filename argument is the default filename that appears highlighted in the File name portion of the dialog box. For no filename, type " ", but you cannot leave the argument blank.

The ext argument specifies the filetype, such as "dwg", "txt", or "lsp". When the argument is " " , no filetype is specified. To specify all filetypes, use "*" for the argument.

The flags argument is a bitcode that specifies options for getfiled.

Bit code Meaning
1 Warn user about overwriting an existing file.
4 The user can change the extension.
8 Use the progeCAD search path and only the name of the file, not the path spec.

You can sum the bits to specify more than one option. For example, bit code 5 is equal to the bits 1 and 4 added together, meaning the user will be warned about overwriting an existing file and is allowed to change the extension.


(getfiled "Drawing Files" " " "DWG" 2)

(getfiled "Lisp Files" "sample.lsp" "LSP" 6)

(getfiled "Hey! Pick a File:" "ICAD" "LSP" 4)


Tell me about...

(alert string)

(findfile filename)

(load filename [flag])

(open filename mode)

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