
(menugroup name)

Determine whether a menu group is loaded.

This function checks to see if a menu group is loaded. The name argument specifies the name of the menu group. When name matches the name of a loaded menu group, the menugroup function returns the group's name; otherwise, it returns nil.


(menugroup "MyMenuGroup")

Returns mil if the specified menu group is not loaded and returns the string “MyMenuGroup” if the menu is loaded. The menu group is similar to a namespace and is designated in the menu file with the following specification:

***MENUGROUP= MyMenuGroup

By adding a menugroup specification in your menu file, you can then use the (menugroup) function to determine if your menu is loaded or unloaded.

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(atoms-family format [symbol1 symbol2 ...])

(command cmd [arguments] ...)

(menucmd string)

LISP Compatibility

Programming Overview of LISP (LISt Processing) Language