(osnap point mode)
Determine the 3-D coordinates of an entity snap.
This function uses the progeCAD entity snap modes to find a point. You specify which entity snap mode to use with the mode argument. You can assign multiple modes simultaneously.
Mode | Meaning |
"nea" | NEArest |
"end" | ENDpoint |
"mid" | MIDpoint |
"cen" | CENter |
"per" | PERpendicular |
"tan" | TANgent |
"qua" | QUAdrant |
"ins" | INSertion |
"po" | POint |
"int" | INTersection (3D intersection) |
"pla" | PLAnview (2D intersection) |
"vis" | VISible (apparent intersection) |
"off" | Off |
Using the point argument, you specify a point near the entity where the snap attaches to. If no point is found that specifies the mode requirements, the function returns nil.
Code | Returns |
(osnap '(1 5) "center") | (5.0 5.0 0.0) |
(osnap p1 "midp,endp,center") | (2.5 3.0 0.0) |
NOTE The distance allowable between the starting point and the entity is determined by the system variable APERTURE, which ranges from 1 to 50 pixels.