
(osnap point mode)

Determine the 3-D coordinates of an entity snap.

This function uses the progeCAD entity snap modes to find a point. You specify which entity snap mode to use with the mode argument. You can assign multiple modes simultaneously.

Mode Meaning
"nea" NEArest
"end" ENDpoint
"mid" MIDpoint
"cen" CENter
"per" PERpendicular
"tan" TANgent
"qua" QUAdrant
"ins" INSertion
"po" POint
"int" INTersection (3D intersection)
"pla" PLAnview (2D intersection)
"vis" VISible (apparent intersection)
"off" Off

Using the point argument, you specify a point near the entity where the snap attaches to. If no point is found that specifies the mode requirements, the function returns nil.


Code Returns
(osnap '(1 5) "center") (5.0 5.0 0.0)
(osnap p1 "midp,endp,center") (2.5 3.0 0.0)

NOTE The distance allowable between the starting point and the entity is determined by the system variable APERTURE, which ranges from 1 to 50 pixels.

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