(setvar sysvar value)

Set the system variable to that value.

This function changes the value of progeCAD system variables. For a list of system variables, see System Variables.

The sysvar argument is the exact name of the system variable, in string format.

The value is the new value for the system variable. The format of value varies, depending on the system variable; it could be an integer, a real number, a list of x,y or x,y,z-coordinates, or a string-as shown by the examples below.


Code Returns
(setvar "cmdecho" 1) 1
(setvar "gridunit" '(1 1)) (1.0 1.0)
(setvar "insbase" '(1 2 3)) (1.0 2.0 3.0)
(setvar "blockspath" "c:\path") "c:\path"


  • The LISP setvar function is identical in nature to the Setvar command, with a single exception: variables like Angbase which store an angle and accept input in various angular units (degrees, radians, grads, etc.). However, the LISP setvar function always assumes radians as the default angular unit.
  • Some system variables are read-only, which means their value cannot be changed with setvar. For example, the CDate system variable contains the current date and time. You cannot change that with the setvar function. Instead, you must use the Windows Date & Time Properties dialog box. You can, however, retrieve the value of any system variable with getvar.

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(setenv variable value)

LISP Compatibility

Programming Overview of LISP (LISt Processing) Language

progeCAD System Variables