(start_list key [operation [index]])

Start processing a list box.

This function signals the start of processing a list key in a dialog box. The optional operation argument describes the list operation to be performed (default = 3):

Operation Meaning
1 Change contents of the list.
2 Append new data to the list.
3 Replace the list with a new one (default).

The optional index argument is used only when operation = 1. It indicates the item # to be changed; the first item is #0; the second item is #1, and so on.


Code Comments
(start_list ssg) Replace list with new list.
(start_list ssg 3) Same action as above.
(start_list ssg 1 4) Change the fifth item on the list.
(start_list ssg 2) Add data to the list.

NOTE You also use this function when creating list boxes and drop-down list boxes in DCL. For examples using this function in conjunction with DCL, see list_box and popup_list (drop-down list box).

Tell me about...

(add_list string)


LISP Compatibility

Programming Overview of DCL (Dialog Control Language)

Programming Overview of LISP (LISt Processing) Language