(textbox entity-list)

Determine the x,y,z dimensions of that text entity.

This function returns the 3-D diagonal coordinates of a box that encloses a text entity. The origin is the lower-left corner of the bounding box and is (0,0) if the text doesn't contain letters with descenders, such as p and y. The argument entity-list must refer to a text entity but not text in dimensions and blocks.


Code Returns
(setq txt (entlast)) Entity name.
(setq txt1 (entget txt)) Dotted-pair list.
(textbox txt1) ((0.0 0.0 0.0)(1.8 0.2 0.0))

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(command cmd [arguments] ...)

(setq symbol1 statement1 [symbol2 statement2] ...)

LISP Compatibility

Programming Overview of LISP (LISt Processing) Language