Using a section plane to view a drawing

Using a section plane to view a drawing

Section planes are used to visualize cross-sections of two- and three-dimensional entities and point clouds. For example, you can move a horizontal section plane that cuts through a multi-level building to interactively view inside the building under the roof, then under the top floor, etc.

A single drawing can contain multiple section planes, allowing you to create cross-sections of different model areas.

Section planes only apply when the graphics device is set to OpenGL ES.

Section planes are used for visualization, not documentation, of a model.
Sections and section lines (if your program version supports them) can be used to document a model. For more details about sections, see Sectioning and slicing solids. For details about section lines, see Drawing a section line.

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Drawing section planes

Viewing a model using section planes

Changing display options for the intersection area of section planes