Viewing a model using section planes

Use the center grip of a section plane to reposition the section plane and change the view of intersecting entities. Also if needed, you can turn live sectioning on or off for any section plane. This allows to you change whether the cross sections of intersecting entities are displayed.

If the visualization of an entity is unchanged by a section plane, check that the entity is on a sectionable layer. For details about section lines, see Controlling whether a layer is sectionable on page 281.

Section planes render with the current visual style.
Using shaded visual styles makes it easier to see and select a section plane.

To view a model interactively using a section plane

   1   Select the section plane.

   2   Click and drag the double-arrow grip in the center of the section plane to move it and interactively visualize different areas of the model.

   3   Click and drag other grips to resize the section plane, if necessary.

Section planes are infinite.
Although you can use grips to change the size of the section plane, the section plane is infinite. Resizing the plane helps with selecting and visualizing the plane entity.

To turn live sectioning on or off for a section plane

   1   Do one of the following to choose Live Section On/Off ():

    On the ribbon, choose Visualize > Live Section On/Off (in Live Sections); AEC > Live Section On/Off (in Sections, if your program version supports AEC entities).

    On the menu, choose View > Live Sections > Live Section On/Off; AEC > Section Planes > Live Section On/Off (if your program version supports AEC entities).

    Type livesection and then press Enter.

   2   Select the section plane for which you want to turn live sectioning on or off.