Changing the view using the view cube

Use the view cube to view a drawing using the following:

    Home view

    Orthographic and isometric preset views

    Custom views

    Orthographic and perspective projections

    Coordinate systems

To change the view direction using the view cube

   1   Do one of the following:

    Click Activate Home View to return to the home view that is saved with the drawing. To set the current view as the home view, right-click the view cube, and then choose Set Current View as Home.

    Click a face of the cube to switch to the Top, Front, Left Side, Right Side, Back, and Bottom preset orthographic views.

    Click a corner of the cube to switch to the Above, Left Front; Above, Right Front; Above, Right Rear; Above, Left Rear, Below, Left Front; Below, Right Front; Below, Right Rear; and Below, Left Rear preset isometric views.

    Click an edge of the cube to switch to a custom view, orienting the view from that direction.

    Click an arrow to switch to the orthographic view, orienting the view from that direction. The arrows display if you already are viewing the drawing with an orthographic view (for example, after clicking a face of the cube).

    Click the rotation arrows (available when viewing orthographically) to rotate the view 90 degrees, or click and drag the view cube or rotation arrows to rotate the view in real-time.

To switch between parallel (orthographic) and perspective projections using the view cube

   1   Do one of the following:

    Click the drop-down arrow in the lower right of the view cube, and then choose Parallel or Perspective.

    Right-click the view cube, and then choose Parallel or Perspective.

The perspective projection changes all preset views to perspective views.
When using the perspective projection, all views become perspective views and are no longer orthographic or isometric views.

To change the coordinate system using the view cube

   1   Click the Activate Coordinate System menu.

   2   Choose WCS or the name of the user coordinate system. You can also choose New UCS to create a new user coordinate system.