Changing view cube settings

Changing view cube settings

You can change the location and appearance of the view cube, such as which corner of the viewport it is located and how transparent it is when inactive. Additionally, you can specify various options for using it. For example, you may want to prevent the model from turning upside down when rotating the view.

To change view cube settings

   1   Do one of the following to choose View Cube Settings:

    Click the drop-down arrow in the lower right of the view cube, and then choose View Cube Settings.

    Right-click the view cube and choose View Cube Settings.

    Type navvcube, press Enter, then choose Settings.

   2   To change the appearance and location of the view cube, select from the following options:

    On-screen Position Select the corner where to display the view cube in the current viewport.

    Size Select the size of the view cube. If Automatic, the size adjusts automatically depending on the drawing window size and number of viewports.

    Inactive Opacity Move the slider to set the opacity percentage for the view cube when it is inactive. The lower the number, the more transparent the view cube is.

    Show UCS Menu Mark to display the active coordinate system drop-down menu below the view cube.

   3   Select any of the following options, depending on your preferences for using the view cube:

    Snap to Closest View When Dragging Mark to adjust the current view to the closest preset view when dragging the view cube to rotate the view.

    Zoom to Extents after View Change Mark to automatically zoom the model to fit the current viewport after a view change.

    Use View Transitions When Switching Views Mark to turn on smooth view transitions when switching between views using the view cube.

    Orient View Cube to Current UCS Mark to orient the view cube to reflect the current user coordinate system. When unmarked, it is oriented to reflect the WCS.

    Keep Scene Upright Mark to prevent turning the viewpoint of the model upside down.

    4    Click OK.