Walking and flying through a drawing

Drawings can be viewed as though you are walking or flying through them. When you walk through a drawing, you navigate along the xy plane. When you fly through a drawing, you navigate above the model, unrestricted by the xy plane.

To walk through a drawing  

   1   Do one of the following to choose 3D Walk () or 3D Fly ():

    On the ribbon, choose Visualize > 3D Walk (in Animations) or 3D Fly (in Animations).

    On the menu, choose View > Walk and Fly > 3D Walk or 3D Fly.

    On the Walk and Fly toolbar, click the 3D Walk or 3D Fly tool.

    Type 3dwalk or 3Dfly and then press Enter.

   2   Click and drag in the drawing to walk or fly through the model, or use the arrow keys on the keyboard. When finished, release the mouse button.

   3   Repeat to walk or fly again.

   4   When finished, press Enter, right-click the drawing, or press Esc.

To customize walk and fly settings    

   1   Do one of the following to choose Walk and Fly Settings ():

    On the ribbon, choose Visualize > Walk and Fly Settings (in Animations).

    On the menu, choose View > Walk and Fly > Walk and Fly Settings.

    On the Walk and Fly toolbar, click the Walk and Fly Settings tool.

    Type 3dwalkflysettings and then press Enter.

   2   In Step Size, enter the value for the step size in drawing units, then enter the speed in steps per second.

   3   Mark Prevent Clipping if you want to disable clipping.

   4   In Lens Length, enter the value for the lens length you want to use. This value applies only when using the 3D Walk and 3D Fly commands; it does not change the default lens length that is determined by the LENSLENGTH system variable.

   5   In Walk Elevation, specify the elevation to apply to walk mode during the 3D Walk command.

    6    Click OK.