Stretching entities

Stretching entities    

You can change the size of entities by stretching them. When you stretch entities, you must select the entities using either a crossing window or a crossing polygon. You then specify a displacement distance or select a base point and a displacement point. Entities that cross the window or polygon boundary are stretched; those completely within the crossing window or crossing polygon are simply moved.    

To stretch an entity

   1   Do one of the following to choose Stretch ():

    On the ribbon, choose Home > Stretch (in Edit); Edit > Stretch (in Modify).

    On the menu, choose Modify > Stretch.  

    On the Modify toolbar, click the Stretch tool.

    Type stretch and then press Enter.

   2   In the prompt box, choose Crossing Window or Crossing Polygon.

   3   Select the entities, and then press Enter.

   4   Specify the base point.

   5   Specify the second point of displacement.





To stretch entities, select them using a crossing window (A) or crossing polygon, and then specify the base point (B) and displacement point (C).


To stretch an entity using grips, you select it to display its grips and then select a grip to make it the active grip. This becomes the base point. Then you move the active grip to a new location. The grip you select depends on the type of entity youre modifying. For example, to stretch one corner of a rectangle, select the corner point grip. To stretch a line, select an endpoint grip. Not all entities can be stretched using grips.     

To stretch an entity using grips

   1   Select the entity.

   2   Click a grip to activate it.

   3   Drag the grip.

   4   Click to release.



To stretch an entity using grips, select the entity (A), select a grip (B), and drag the grip to its new location (C).

