Stretching entities
Stretching entities
You can change the size of entities by stretching them. When you stretch entities, you must select the entities using either a crossing window or a crossing polygon. You then specify a displacement distance or select a base point and a displacement point. Entities that cross the window or polygon boundary are stretched; those completely within the crossing window or crossing polygon are simply moved.
To stretch an entity
1 Do one of the following to choose Stretch ():
On the ribbon, choose Home > Stretch (in Edit); Edit > Stretch (in Modify).
On the menu, choose Modify > Stretch.
On the Modify toolbar, click the Stretch tool.
Type stretch and then press Enter.
2 In the prompt box, choose Crossing Window or Crossing Polygon.
3 Select the entities, and then press Enter.
4 Specify the base point.
5 Specify the second point of displacement.
To stretch entities, select them using a crossing window (A) or crossing polygon, and then specify the base point (B) and displacement point (C). |
To stretch an entity using grips, you select it to display its grips and then select a grip to make it the active grip. This becomes the base point. Then you move the active grip to a new location. The grip you select depends on the type of entity youre modifying. For example, to stretch one corner of a rectangle, select the corner point grip. To stretch a line, select an endpoint grip. Not all entities can be stretched using grips.
To stretch an entity using grips
1 Select the entity.
2 Click a grip to activate it.
3 Drag the grip.
4 Click to release.
To stretch an entity using grips, select the entity (A), select a grip (B), and drag the grip to its new location (C). |
Result. |