Joining entities
You can join two entities into a single entity.
When you join two lines, they must be col-linear and the farthest endpoints remain at their existing locations; the program draws a new line between these points. Arcs must share the same center point and radius, and they are joined counterclockwise, from the first arc you select to the second.
Use the Edit Polyline command to join entities and polylines.
For more details, see Joining polylines.
To join two entities
1 Do one of the following to choose Join ():
On the ribbon, choose Edit > Join (in Modify).
On the menu, choose Modify > Join.
On the Modify toolbar, click the Join tool.
Type join and then press Enter.
2 Select the first entity.
Select the first arc or line (A), and then select the second arc or line (B). |
Result. |
The Overkill command can also combine entities.
If a drawing has overlapping or duplicate entities that you want to combine, for example polylines with too many vertices, you can use the Overkill command to clean up the drawing.