Export STEP (.stp .step .ste)
Ribbon: Output > Export >
Export STEP ()
Menu: File > Export > Export STEP
Toolbar: Export > Export STEP
Keyboard: STEPOUT
This function allows to export the 3D model in Step format. The supported
entities are: 3d solid, body, Region and Surface
Please note that the process may take some minutes and it runs in background.
During the conversion process you can normally use progeCAD.
- Run the Export Step function
- Select the STEP file, and press OPEN
- A message related the background process is shown, you need only to press OK button
- Now a new dedicated icon is available in the StatusBar
If you perform a double click on this icon when the process is running, will be showed a message with the files list. - When the process is ended, a balloon message is shown in the progeCAD down-right corner
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