Using additional progeCAD commands
Although you can use the AutoCAD command structure with progeCAD, the program has its own set of commands. progeCAD has numerous command names not found in AutoCAD, although many of these commands have an equivalent function in AutoCAD. When you type the AutoCAD equivalent, the progeCAD alias system activates the correct command.
For example, the AutoCAD offset command is mapped to the progeCAD parallel command. You can type either offset or parallel in the command bar, or you can choose Modify > Parallel.
The following table lists optional progeCAD command names that you can use in place of AutoCAD command names to perform the equivalent AutoCAD function.
Command differences in progeCAD(continued) |
progeCAD |
AutoCAD |
Action in progeCAD |
audionote |
No equivalent |
Creates and plays audio notes attached to entities. |
cmdbar |
No equivalent |
Positions the command window. |
coordinate |
Ctrl+D or F6 |
Changes the display of coordinates on the status line. |
copyedata |
No equivalent |
Copies extended entity data from one entity to another. |
customize |
toolbar |
Displays the Customize dialog box. |
deledata |
No equivalent |
Deletes extended entity data from an entity. |
delete |
erase |
Removes entities from the drawing. |
dimension |
dim |
Switches to dimension mode. |
editedata |
No equivalent |
Edits extended entity data found in an entity. |
editlen |
lengthen |
Changes the length of open entities. |
editpline |
pedit |
Edits polylines and polymeshes. |
entprop |
ddmodify and ddchprop |
Displays the Entity Properties dialog box. |
esnap |
-osnap |
Sets entity snaps from the command line. |
expblocks |
ddinsert |
Displays Explorer - Blocks. |
expdimstyles |
ddim |
Displays Explorer - Dimension Styles. |
expfonts |
style |
Displays Explorer - Styles. |
explayers |
layer |
Displays Explorer - Layers. |
explorer |
ddrename |
Displays Explorer. |
expltypes |
linetype |
Displays Explorer - Linetypes. |
expucs |
dducs |
Displays Explorer - UCS. |
expviews |
ddview |
Displays Explorer - Views. |
face |
3dface |
Draws three-dimensional faces with three or four vertices. |
flatten |
No equivalent |
Sets thickness to zero at user-specified elevation. |
font |
-style |
Displays the Text Style dialog box. |
freehand |
sketch |
Allows freehand sketching. |
idpoint |
id |
Returns the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of a picked point. |
infline |
xline |
Draws a line of infinite length. |
join |
pedit join |
Joins lines and arcs. |
laymcur |
ai_molc |
Sets the current layer based on the selected entitys layer. |
mesh |
3dmesh |
Draws a surface mesh. |
moveedata |
No equivalent |
Moves extended entity data from one entity to another. |
msnapshot |
mslide |
Makes an SLD, EMF, or WMF file of the current view. |
orthogonal |
ortho |
Toggles orthogonal mode. |
parallel |
offset |
Copies an entity by a parallel offset distance. |
plane |
solid |
Draws a two-dimensional solid plane. |
pmthist |
F2 |
Switches between the Prompt History window and the graphics screen. |
polyline |
pline |
Draws a polyline. |
ppreview |
preview |
Previews the print. |
plot |
Prints the drawing. |
printstyle |
plotstyle |
Assigns a print style. |
psetup |
No equivalent |
Displays the Print Setup dialog box. |
qprint |
No equivalent |
Quickly prints the current viewport (window) with no options. |
reassocapp |
No equivalent |
Reassociates extended entity data with an application. |
recscript |
No equivalent |
Starts the Script Recorder. |
rtrot |
3dorbit |
Rotates the view of entities. |
rtrotx |
No equivalent |
Rotates the view of entities while maintaining the x-axis. |
rtroty |
No equivalent |
Rotates the view of entities while maintaining the y-axis. |
rtrotz |
3dorbit |
Rotates the view of entities while maintaining the z-axis. |
saveall |
No equivalent |
Saves all currently open drawings. |
setcolor |
color |
Displays the Color dialog box. |
setdim |
ddim |
Displays the Dimension Styles Manager dialog box. |
setesnap |
osnap |
Displays the Drawing Settings dialog box with the Coordinate Input tab displayed. |
settings |
No equivalent |
Displays the Drawing Settings dialog box. |
setucs |
dducs |
Displays the User Coordinate Systems dialog box. |
setvpoint |
No equivalent |
Displays the Preset Viewpoints dialog box. |
stopscript |
No equivalent |
Stops running the script. |
tipofday |
No equivalent |
Displays the Tip of the Day. |
undelete |
oops |
Restores the last deleted entity. |
vba |
vbaide |
Opens the Visual Basic Applications editor. |
viewctl |
ddvpoint |
Sets the three-dimensional viewing direction via an interactive dialog box. |
viewpoint |
vpoint |
Sets the three-dimensional viewing direction via the command line. |
vsnapshot |
vslide |
Displays an SLD, EMF, or WMF file in the current viewport. |