From Point snap

Use the From Point snap to set a temporary base point from which to offset point selection. The From Point snap can be used only while another active command is requesting a point.

To set a temporary offset point

   1   Choose a command, for example, type line or move.

   2   Do one of the following to choose From Point ():

    On the ribbon, choose Draw > From Point (in Entity Snaps).

    On the menu, choose Tools > Entity Snaps > From Point.

    On the Entity Snaps toolbar, click the From Point tool.

    Type from and then press Enter.

   3   Select where to place the temporary base point.

   4   Enter the offset distance from the base point, for example, (@8.5,0), where you want to locate the next point. Note that entering (8.5,0) places an absolute point from the UCS origin, not a relative point from the base point.

    5    Continue with the original command.