Modifying color books

You can modify your own color books and the color books that came with IntelliCAD. If you modify a color book that came with progeCAD, it is recommended that you save it with a new filename first so the original color book is not overwritten.

To modify a color book

   1   Click Select Color in the desired dialog box, such as Layers, Drawing Settings, Properties, or Multiline Text.

The Color dialog box opens.

   2   Click the Color Books tab.

   3   Select the color book you want to modify.

   4   Click Color Book Editor.

   5   In Color Book Name, enter any changes to the color book name. This name appears in the list of color books on the Color Books tab in the Color dialog box.

   6   Do any of the following to modify pages or colors in the color book:

    Add pages In the contents of the color book, click an existing page or color where you want to add a page. Define a color in the palette, enter the name of the page, and then click Add.

    Add colors In the contents of the color book, click an existing page or color where you want to add a color. Define a color in the palette, enter the name of the color, and then click Add.

    Modify pages and colors Select a page or color in the color book, define its new color settings in the palette, enter any changes to its name, and then click Modify.

    Delete pages and colors Select a page or color in the color book, and then click Delete.

    Rearrange pages and colors Select a page or color in the color book, and then click the up arrow () or down arrow ().

   7   Do one of the following to save the color book:

    To save the color book with the same filename, click the Save tool () in the Color Book Editor.

    To save the color book with a new filename or in a new location, click the Save As tool () in the Color Book Editor.