Working with data links

Data links allow you to share data between CAD drawings and spreadsheets. First you create a data link to a spreadsheet (.xls or .xlsx file), and then you select the data link when inserting a table in a drawing.

When content in the linked source .xls/.xlsx file changes, you can update the table in your drawing to include the modified data. And vice versa, you can update the external source .xls/.xlsx files to include the modified data from your drawing.

Using data links is different than importing an .xls/.xlsx file.
Importing an .xls or .xlsx file creates and fills a table with the data contained in the file, but the external source file is not linked to the drawing so future changes in either the drawing or source file cannot be updated automatically. For more details about importing, see Importing an XLS format file.

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Creating a data link

Opening the source file of a data link

Managing data links

Updating data link content