Updating data link content

Updating data link content

If you make changes to linked data in the drawing or referenced source file, you can automatically synchronize the linked content.

To apply changes made in the source file to linked data in your drawing

   1   Do one of the following to choose Update from Source ():

    On the ribbon, choose Insert > Update from Source (in Data); Annotate > Update from Source (in Tables).

    On the menu, choose Insert > Data Link > Update from Source.

    Type datalinkupdate, press Enter, and then choose Update Data Link.

   2   Select the tables you want to update with modified data from external source files, or do one of the following:

    Choose Data Link to enter the name of a data link to update.

    Choose All Data Links to update all data links in the drawing.

To update the source file with changes made to linked data in your drawing

   1   Do one of the following to choose Save to Source ():

    On the ribbon, choose Insert > Save to Source (in Data); Annotate > Save to Source (in Tables).

    On the menu, choose Insert > Data Link > Save to Source.

    Type datalinkupdate, press Enter, and then choose Write Data Link.

   2   Select the tables that contain modified linked data you want to save to corresponding external source files, then press Enter.

Get notified about modified or missing data links.
By default, the status bar indicates when a table in the drawing is linked to data and a balloon message displays when a data link is modified or missing. Use the
DATALINKNOTIFY system variable to change this setting.