Importing a TXT or CSV format file containing points

Importing a TXT or CSV format file containing points

Point data in a text or comma-separated file can be imported as point entities, vertices of a polyline, or vertices of a spline.

If you import the point data as point entities, the appearance of the imported points is determined by the PDMODE system variable.

The following is an example of point data in a .csv file:



The first line of a file can include a text description (e.g., column titles), but all other lines should contain at least three numbers representing x-, y- and z-coordinates. Commas, semicolons, tabs, and spaces can be used to separate values.

If you import point data as polylines or splines, blank lines in the file indicate the end of one entity and the beginning of the next.

To import a TXT or CSV file containing points

   1   Do one of the following to choose Import Points ():

    On the ribbon, choose Insert > Import Points (in Data); Express Tools > Import Points (in Tools).

    On the menu, choose Insert > Import Points or Express Tools > Tools > Import Points.

    Type impoint and then press Enter.

   2   Choose the .txt or .csv file that contains the points you want to import.

   3   Click Open.

   4   Choose one of the following:

    Points Choose Points to import points as point entities. Then press Enter to use the default point size or enter a new value. The point size is stored in the PDSIZE system variable.

    Polyline Choose Polyline to import points as polyline vertices. Then choose Yes to import points as vertices of a closed polyline or No to import them as vertices of an open polyline.

    Spline Choose Spline to import points as spline vertices. Then choose Yes to import points as vertices of a closed spline or No to import them as vertices of an open spline.